German cryptocurrency startup Irreducible raised $24 million in a Series A round led by Paradigm and Bain Capital Crypto, along with other investors including Distributed Capital, L2 Iterative Ventures, Robot Ventures, and several angel investors. Founded in 2022 under the name Ulvetanna, Irreducible focuses on zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) generation infrastructure designed to improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Irreducible currently has 25 employees and plans to double the size of its engi...
德国加密货币初创公司 Irreducible 在 A 轮融资中筹集了 2400 万美元,由 Paradigm 和 Bain Capital Crypto 共同领投,其他投资者包括分布式资本、L2 Iterative Ventures、Robot Ventures 和几位天使投资人。 Irreducible 成立于 2022 年,原名为 Ulvetanna,专注于零知识证明 (ZKP) 生成基础设施,旨在提高效率和成本效益。Irreducible 目前拥有 25 名员工,计划在未来两到三年内将其工程团队规模扩大一倍。